Become OCS NZ Certified

All sites handling raw plastics in Aotearoa are eligible for OCS NZ Certification. This includes:

  • Plastics Converters

  • Plastics Recyclers and Reprocessors

  • Logistics and Warehousing

We're upgrading our audit process to create a more rigorous programme for lasting accountability and environmental impact.

Check out the steps to our current certification process below, and keep an ear out for future developments!

Sandy hand holding plastic nurdles and broken pieces of plastic collected on a beach. Background shows debris at high tide
Sandy hand holding plastic nurdles and broken pieces of plastic collected on a beach. Background shows debris at high tide


Reach out to Plastics NZ to discuss your site specific needs, receive a tailored quote, and schedule an audit. Use the contact form or email

Steps to Certification:


A Plastics NZ appointed third-party auditor will attend a visit to be guided through your site, processes, and spill containment practices.

Post Audit

A follow up report will be provided. Compliant sites will receive OCS certification. Non-compliant sites will be given an action plan and time to implement changes. Evidence of changes must be provided before certification is granted.

Get in Touch: